Friday, January 13, 2012

Awesome Delivery

Today my class received a new set of Promethean version 2 ActivExpressions! (Thank you, Promethean!) So, of course we had to drop everything and try them out. (Never mind that we were in the middle of a math lesson. When something that cool happens, you just have to go with it.) So, what did they kiddos have to say about them? Results from a poll I took today using the Expressions:

The Question----What is your favorite thing about the new ActivExpressions?

The Result:
They have keyboards.
They're the new thing and they're cool.
You can text in your answer.
How it is made.
It is so huge and the keyboard is awesome!
It's like you're texting on a phone and there's a screen.
It is fun!

I'm definitely looking forward to using these on a daily basis.

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